Saturday, January 11, 2014

School Holiday Riding Camps - Awesome!

Sheer Riding Pleasure! Incredible adventures! Always so many great rides, beautiful horses, and totally brilliant kids!

We ride through creeks and rivers & rainforests and through the inspiring Australian Bush. We laugh for hours on end. We muster the horses together and learn so much in the arena and on the cross country course. We love our horses, learn lots about looking after them and make totally brilliant new best friends!
Kaitlyn the plaiting champion & champion of lots more!
On the trail
The Girls & Red!

The Boys! Izzy Jack Buddy

The incredible Finn & the amazing Cerocco

Scarlett, Camille & Chester - Beautiful!

Lucy on her perfect Pal

Awesome Lessons in the arena

Kaitlyn on the amazing Rescue Horse Prince  
Jack taking Broch for a swim or was it the other way around?
Brilliant riding in the beautiful bush

What a Handsome Boy! - Taj

Black Beauty -  Dixie Chick and the beautiful Tessa
 More photos and information on our Facebook Page:
Riverstone Banks - see photo albums