Monday, May 27, 2013

Winter 2013 Events

Winter is upon us and we love this time of year at Riverstone.  The sun is still shining but the crisp air is refreshing as you ride through the gorgeous countryside.  Early mornings are frosty and mysterious, the perfect time of year to explore Budgong on horseback.  Please take a look at what's on and email us to book or phone 0402 902 072.

June, July Winter School Holidays 2013 – Horse Training & Riding Program:
Bookings and enquiries: Phone: Deb on 0402 902 072 or Louisa on 0403 953 623
WHERE: “Riverstone” 251 Abernethys Road, BUDGONG, Kangaroo Valley

Saturday June 29th 2013, Tuesday July 2nd 2013
Working with horses on the ground, riding lessons in the arena, trail riding. The Equestrian Clinics are designed for people wishing to understand more about horses; how to care for, communicate with, and safely ride.
$150.00 for one clinic or $140.00 per day if attending more than one day during the holiday program
Sandwich, water bottle, comfortable long sleeve riding clothes, filled in shoes with a low heel, wet weather gear
Morning Tea and refreshments, Horses, (or BYO horse if approved by Deb) Instruction under full supervision, riding helmets,
From 10 years old, adults are welcome. For safety reasons riders under the age of 10 years must be approved to attend the clinics by KV Horses
Riding Experience
Clinics cater for beginner and intermediate riders. Beginners will be taught basic horsemanship and riding skills. Our aim is to extend intermediate riders above their current skill level.
"Riverstone" Abernethys Road, Budgong.
Access is via a 2.5km bumpy dirt road and is difficult for 2 wheel drive vehicles! Please speak to Deb to arrange collection from Abernethys road if concerned about driving on dirt roads. Phone: 0402 902 072
The clinics will be cancelled in high winds, heavy rain, or thunder storms. If in doubt phone Deb on the day: 0402 902 072
Booking ahead is necessary. A full refund will be given if KV Horses cancels the clinic
Full payment is required at the time of booking via direct deposit to Riverstone:
BSB 112 879 Account number: 466 149 448
Please state the riders surname and dates attending in the reference field
All riders, parents or guardians must fill out, sign and return a waiver form prior to participating in the clinic. Waiver Forms can be downloaded from our website or please send an email to requesting the waiver forms.

Wednesday July 3rd 2013 - From 9am to 4pm
This is a great day for school age children ten years old and above
(or children under 10 years approved by KV Horses)

This fun day consists of a riding lesson in the arena with seat correction and dressage instruction, bending races, barrel racing, cavaletti and small jumps. This day is not designed to be a competition to find a winner. Children from beginner to intermediate riders are encouraged to advance their riding skills, improving their personal best. Ground work instruction is provided to assist plaiting up and preparing horses for shows and the Fun Gymkhana day includes a demonstration in horse floating.
Please read the boxes above for :
Location, Access, Weather, Booking, Payment and Waiver forms

$150.00 or $140.00 per day if attending more than one day over the holiday program
Sandwich, water bottle, comfortable long sleeve riding clothes, filled in shoes with a low heel, wet weather gear
Morning Tea and refreshments, Horses, (or BYO horse if approved by Deb) Instruction under full supervision, riding helmets,

Monday July 1st 2013 – From 9am to 4pm

This is a fantastic day for all the family. For safety reasons children under 10 years old must be approved by KV horses to attend. Adults welcome.
The views are spectacular, the scenery is well...... Budgong, Kangaroo Valley style! Amazing!
It’s a great day out on horse back with lots of riding and a break for lunch and refreshments.

Sandwich, water bottle, comfortable long sleeve riding clothes, filled in shoes with a low heel, wet weather gear
Refreshments, Horses, (or BYO horse if approved by Deb) Instruction under full supervision, riding helmets.
From 10 years old, adults are welcome. For safety reasons riders under the age of 10 years must be approved to ride by KV Horses
Riding Experience
The All Day Ride caters for riders comfortable in the walk and trot. Experience in the canter is not essential however instruction may include the correct seat in a canter with small areas to practice together during the ride.
$150.00 or $140.00 per day if attending more than one day during the program

Please read the boxes above for:
Location, Access, Weather, Booking, Payment and Waiver forms

Friday 5th July 2013

Learn how to communicate with a horse in their language!

We will be trail riding from “Riverstone” to “Hallelujah Stud” and back, and viewing a demonstration in Natural Horsemanship.

This demonstration shows how we are able to take the position as the matriarch mare in the natural herd of a horse. Join Up even works with a horse paddocked or stabled alone.

Horses have a very strong flight instinct. It is the matriarch mare the horse looks to for direction and help. In this clinic you will witness a horse submitting to the trainer “at liberty” and joining up with a person. It’s is a technique you can learn to use with almost any horse. Join Up will help you to understand the language of a horse. Join Up will help you to communicate with horses. Join Up is beautiful to watch and truly exciting to experience when you put join up into practice for yourself.

Sandwich, water bottle, comfortable long sleeve riding clothes, filled in shoes with a low heel, wet weather gear
Refreshments, Horses, (or BYO horse if approved by Deb) Instruction under full supervision, riding helmets.
From 10 years old, adults are welcome. For safety reasons riders under the age of 10 years must be approved to ride by KV Horses
Riding Experience
Beginners and intermediate riders from the age of 10 years old. Adults welcome. For safety reasons riders under 10 must be first approved by KV Horses.
$150.00 or $140.00 per day if attending more than one day during the program

Please read the boxes above re:
Location, Access, Weather, Booking, Payment and Waiver forms

Riding Lessons and Trail Rides are also available during the winter school holiday period on :
Sunday June 30th - 1.00pm Small group riding lesson in the arena - $50.00 per rider
Sunday June 30th – 2.00pm Two hour trail ride - $85.00 per rider
Saturday July 6th – 10.00am Small group riding lesson in the arena - $50.00 per rider
Saturday July 6th – 11.00am One Hour Trail Ride - $65.00 per rider
Saturday July 6th – 02.00pm Two Hour Trail Ride - $85.00 per rider

Monday 8th to Saturday 13th of July 2013 – Lessons and one hour, two hour and all day trail rides are available throughout the week. Booking are essential.

Thank you.
As always can’t wait till the holidays!

Deborah Banks 0402 902 072
Vanessa Hartley 0418 694 505
Louisa Eagleton 0403 953 623
Rhiannon Talbot 0499 623 923


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Friday, May 3, 2013   

For great horse riding experiences, come to Budgong, in the beautiful Kangaroo Valley!

Select from the following options and join us in the great Australian outdoors:

· Trail riding  for beginners, intermediate riders, & experienced riders on week days and weekends. 10.00am and 2.00pm - bookings are essential - 2 hour rides $85.00 per rider, all day rides $160.00 per rider. Seven Mile Beach rides by appointment to suit your schedule.

· Riding Lessons for beginners to experienced riders. Group lessons run on Saturday mornings at 9.00am. $50.00 per rider. Private lessons are organized to suit your schedule: $85.00 per rider. - Bookings are essential

· Equestrian Clinics The next clinic runs on Saturday June 22nd 2013. Enjoy instruction in ground work - catching, tacking, grooming and caring for horses. Flat work riding lessons to improve your riding ability for beginners to intermediate and experienced riders and enjoy a beautiful trail ride across creeks, through farmland pastures and the great Australian bush. Cost $160.00 per day, per rider. BYO lunch. Refreshments provided.

· School holiday fully supervised riding camps run throughout the NSW public school holidays. These camps are four days of fantastic fun for school aged children. $670.00 per child includes all meals and accommodation, and all riding instruction. Riding camps book out very quickly with many children returning to almost every camp! Book now for the next adventure!

· Join-Up Natural Horsemanship Training Clinics run throughout the year. Please phone for the next available clinic. Learn how to communicate with horses in THEIR language. Become as the matriarch mare in the herd gaining the horses respect and trust at liberty. These clinics are a great way to understand and learn how to confidently work with and around horses. $150.00 per person.

· Ladies riding weekends or weekday adventures on horseback. All you need is to get together 5 to 10 friends and we will organize a fantastic 2 or 3 days riding adventure! Enjoy a relaxing massage after your ride. Stay in a charming country cottage next to the beautiful Budgong Creek surrounded by hundreds of miles of National Parkland. Dine out in the spectacular Kangaroo Valley or enjoy fully catered meals at the cottage. These adventures in the country are tailored to suit your requests and your budget. Get away from it all, relax and enjoy a completely unique experience.